The CURE begins with... YOU!

With the original "Woodstocker" & incredible folk singer humanitarian, Richie Havens... after our Peace & Unity Concert in Crown Heights, Brooklyn. We also gigged with the famous Shlomo Carlebach at that concert.
Project CURE actually started in the early 90's after race riots tore through the usually peaceful community of Crown Heights, Brooklyn. ​CURE stands for C - Communication, U - Understanding, R - Respect, E - Education.​ By putting together these four vital ingredients in a variety of grassroots efforts, we were able to bring people together for dialogue, joint sports activities, and even forming a music group together. We still have ongoing activities today, 20 plus years later, as we continue to foster respect & ITP - Increase The Peace. Project CURE then expanded its efforts to help out individuals with special needs. We saw some of the same social dynamics taking place, in that many people still harbor negative stereotypes about special needs. Here too, the four pillars of C.U.R.E., help overcome these sentiments and clearly show these individuals with special needs as giving and most capable to share and even help others. We just have to give them the opportunities and open some doors.

In 2005, Showtime bought the rights to Dr. Laz's book, Sharing Turf - Race Relations After The Crown Heights Riots. His book became the basis for the story & screen play of the movie called "Crown Heights," which stars Howie Mandel as Dr. Laz. Showtime also used three of Dr. Laz's original tunes for the movie.
Since the beginning of the 90's, Project CURE has visited several college campuses and engaged both students & faculty in a variety of meaningful activities. In the first few months of 2013, Dr. Laz, the project director, was invited to Colorado University in Boulder and SUNY New Paltz in NY State. The CURE racial harmony band, Dr. Laz & The CURE, performed on campus. The "Crown Heights" movie was shown, followed by a book signing with Dr. Laz, and Q&A with the participants.

As part of this whole child and student-centered approach, Project CURE the World also offers meaningful outdoor excursions where our participants can experience the beauty of nature. Trips will be taken to the beach, the Everglades, and to various outdoor parks. We believe that there are no greater multi-sensory experiences than those where the child interacts with the wonders and beauty of the natural world. As part of this approach, we offer a variety of animal assisted therapeutic situations, such as dog & equine therapy. In addition, the participants plant vegetable and butterfly gardens right on our premises. In this hands-on manner, science comes to life for our participants.

This second component of Project CURE developed as a positive response to both parents and concerned professionals who have children or work with individuals with autism, Down syndrome, cerebral palsy, and other physical and mental challenges. These care providers expressed frustration at the typical educational model for individuals with special needs. Project CURE the WORLD believes in educating and reaching the whole child and providing these unique individuals with a fun-filled and inspiring curriculum in the expressive arts. Hands-on, creative music, experiential visual arts and drama, are an educational and therapeutic gold mine, that are the main focus of this unique project. These proven techniques help our special kids and young adults to participate more actively, build self-esteem and confidence, maximize positive social skills, and even increase academic skills at the same time.

Mikey checks out a real life butterfly up nice & close, from his wheelchair.Nothing like the great outdoors!